Saturday, March 23, 2013

In the Beginning, there was a Nerd.

And this Nerd, during what can only be thought of as a crazy spell, decided it would be a great idea to start an apartment balcony garden.

Well that's not bad, most of you are probably thinking.  A few herbs in a pot, perhaps some lettuce, no big deal.


No. Not really.

See, when I decide to do something, I jump in with both feet.  And my eyes closed.  In the dark.

I bought cucumber, carrot, lettuce, zucchini, hot pepper, roma tomato, sweet pea, basil, dill, cilantro, chives, scallions, and more that I can't remember at this moment.  Oh, and a huge tub to put potatoes in.  And I will be buying strawberry plants come spring because I've been told it's crazy to try and seed start.

Then again, I'm told I'm crazy for trying to seed start anything on my first gardening experience ever in the history of all time.

Psh-shaw, whatever lame people.  I'll show you.

I also bought a seed starting soil brick thing, a bunch of bio-degradable pots and seedling pot thingies, Miracle Grow Expand and Grow soil (which doesn't seem to actually expand AT ALL THE LIARS and yes I've put the water in and followed directions and SHUT-UP JUDGEY MCJUDGERSON), and so not enough plastic containers from Goodwill that I've stabbed holes in the bottom of to allow for drainage.

See, even I know that plants need to not drown in water.

Unless it's a water lily.  But I'm not growing those, so I digress.

Oh, and flowers.  I bought Snapdragons and something else that's shorter and colourful and whatever.

So, this was all about....a month ago.  I started my peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, and my little herb garden.  Oh, and catgrass for Faye.  And catnip.  And those flower things.

And low-and-behold, seedlings.  I can't believe it.  I'm growing things.

Peas.  I forgot to mention peas.  But they aren't sprouting yet.

yay sprouts!


This is lettuce I planted after finishing a thingie.  And decided to just stab the end in the ground.  And it's growing more!
